Stop thinking, just do it and that's how I ended up in Portland. Booked a flight and left Los Angeles, quit my job, left my little bagel, dropped and go with just a carry on and my brown Dr. Martens and Bape Jacket said goodbye to no one. Wonder why certain people felt bothered with the fact I did not say bye them thinking they know the type of person I am. I am just one, myself in doubt with nothing else towards the thought of being with others. As to that reading my post right now you might think this is for you.. Actually close your eyes and think about it think on what is currently on your mind.. Have you given thought to it? I don't usually do so.. give thought to it, I just get up and go like I said earlier.. Did I? Well, But I gave it some thought. Realize the right from wrong and wrong from right. Portland gave me time, not necessarily hope somewhat but faith and prosperity. Think about it. As for me you all see my photos, me from social media, others he have spent quality time together, ask me who I am. I am my own home, I am me. I figured it Not everything but the parts where I was struggling to understand from. God Is Love God Is Good . Think about it some more. Do you realize what life is really about? 
Home is no where // I am my own home 
Fuck Cancer! Fuck the government! Fuck white power! Fuck hatred! Fuck animal cruelty! Fuck anxiety! Fuck the illuminati! Fuck the influential behavior! Fuck yesterday! Fuck drugs! Fuck sexual harassment! 
No war! No hate! No violence!  
Think about.. nothing revolves around you think about it. Self reflect, self help, emotionally and mentally. Don't cover it up, unwind it like the wind have self love, self control, be happy do good things, positive vibes, be amazing. Love one another share hugs and smiles. Ask people if they need help, look at your surroundings, wonder off alone and adventure, thank God for another day of life instead of being in a hospital bed.. Somewhere in between long eternal life and burning walls. Tell me about your experience because I walk in my own shoes.
